Sky: Four Kids and It
Prior to the launch of the highly-anticipated Sky Cinema children's movie, 'Four Kids and It', Sky partnered with Venatus to deliver a campaign which would raise awareness of the movie amongst family audiences in the UK.

Sky: Four Kids and It
To promote the launch of their latest kids movie release, ‘Four Kids and It’, Sky aimed to generate awareness amongst families and young gamers across the UK. As part of their comprehensive media mix, Sky required a campaign which would highlight the magical and adventurous storyline of the movie, focussing on the main character's ability to grant wishes, in a fun and interactive ad-placement.
Target Audience
Inventory / Network
Adapted from Jacqueline Wilson’s 2012 kids novel ‘Four Children and It’, Sky aimed to connect with households with children aged 7-14, to drive the ‘pester power’ of children who would persuade their parents to add Sky Cinema to their existing TV package. With an extensive portfolio of kids gaming websites and apps, Venatus was the perfect fit to generate awareness amongst families and young gamers.
Our custom branded MRAID minigame allowed the original movie trailer to be embedded, alongside an interactive minigame and end-card call-to-action, whilst our cross-device skinned pre-roll video was a great way to repurpose the movie trailer and create mass awareness across websites most popular with kids.

Ad Formats
Our creative team built a bespoke MRAID minigame, bringing the themes and characters of ‘Four Kids and It’ to life. Audiences were invited to help ‘Psammead’ collect as many coins as they could whilst flying through the air, without bumping into obstacles along the way. After completing the minigame, they were invited to watch the movie trailer and learn more about the characters, as well as being offered a CTA linked to Sky’s website. Alongside this, cross-device skinned pre-roll video offered a cost-effective way to drive reach for the movie trailer across kid’s favourite gaming websites.
Preview the MRAID and Skinned Pre-Roll video here.
The MRAID minigame and skinned cross-device pre-roll video were featured across Venatus’ exclusive kids portfolio, including Angry Birds and EA apps. The bespoke MRAID was also promoted on Sky’s own Kids app, generating further engagement across Sky's owned entities.
Resonating with families nationwide
The campaign delivered incredible results, with the trailer achieving a VTR of 80.86% and the MRAID achieving a CTR of 4.51%, with an engagement rate of 33.74%. Viewership of ‘Four Kids and It’ more than doubled in all homes within its first seven days of release, making it the 6th best performing premiere on Sky Cinema in 2020, ranking 3rd for all Sky Cinema movies.
The combination of an interactive game, animation and a video trailer ensured the campaign generated significant awareness and created engagement around the characters and storyline of the movie, bringing the key themes of magic and adventure to life.
"Venatus were a great partner to work with. They brought specialists along to our client meetings from the outset which allowed us to refine the concept of the game quickly and then work through the technical build in good time ahead of release.”
“Our client appreciated their agility and responsiveness and the positive results and engagement rate we saw from the Sky branded Kids game helped us grab the attention of Kids 7-11, our bullseye audience, in a way we could not achieve through pre-roll video alone. Venatus' role on our media plan was unique in this respect and contributed to viewing numbers that were double the forecast in all homes within the critical viewing period following the release of Four Kids & It.”