Venatus joins IAB Europe’s Global Vendor List for GDPR compliance

May 13, 2024

We are thrilled to announce our participation as a global vendor in IAB Europe’s Global Vendor List for inclusion in their Transparency and Consent Framework. The Interactive Advertising Bureau is the trade body for the online advertising industry throughout the US and Europe.

Founded in 1997, their work supports all parts of the digital advertising sector through activities including research, events, seminars and developing industry standards.

In light of GDPR, the IAB have recently introduced their Transparency and Consent Framework. This aims to help parties within the digital advertising chain ensure they comply with the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation when processing personal data or accessing non-personal or personal data on user devices.

Participating as a vendor in IAB Europe’s Global Vendor List will enable Venatus to facilitate adherence to the Framework policy, offering transparency in the way the ad sales house intends to comply with GDPR requirements.