Farringdon Lions

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May 13, 2024

London was starting to feel a bit barren in between E3 and Cannes Lions drawing the nine-to-five population of Farringdon half way around the world and back, so last week we decided to have some fun of our own.


Hampers (C) Venatus

With several trips to Cologne planned for later in the summer, we decided against attending Cannes this year but this did not stop us embracing the spirit of the festival.

Sadly we were unable to find a bright yellow Ferris wheel in London but the more traditional hallmarks of Cannes (boats, sand and wine) proved to be available in hamper size. There was one afternoon when we were the proud owners of fifteen yachts and it was glorious!

(C) Venatus

We sent a selection over to a few of our clients who had also remained in London with our good wishes and the hope that we all end up doing business on beaches in the future.